The Massachusetts Municipal
Financial Database

Lane & Company offers electronic access to the various data and reports that are used primarily by the financial industry in preparing official statements for general obligation bonds and notes and for credit analysis purposes in connection with municipal offerings.
The database includes the latest information regarding municipal officials, economics, and demographics, property taxes, audited financials, and long term debt.
Information available through access to the database is compiled from various sources.
Economic and demographic data include the latest available information from various sources such as the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor & Workforce Developement.
Property tax (tax rates, levy, assessed valuations, unused levy capacity) and free cash data are drawn from information submitted by municipal officials and certified by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue. These data are updated throughout the year as the tax rate for each municipality is certified.
Municipal finance data (revenue & expenditures, and balance sheets) are drawn from audited financials, where available.
The long-term debt data come directly from the issuer and/or financial advisor. The indebtedness and debt service data are calculated from information on each outstanding issue as of the date of the report. This capability is unique to Lane & Company.
The Database